This film follows Irish twins destiny to bring justice to all the corrupt and criminals. The film starts out with the two in a desperate situation. Russian mob members have them handcuffed and ready to be killed. Miraculously, the twins escape and kill the mob members. After, the two decide it is their destiny to kill all of those they deem "bad." Later, they are joined by their Italian friend who has been betrayed by the mob. Together the three kill plenty of bag guys. The real test comes once they reach a man that the mob has hired to kill them. A great battle occurs, but in the end there is a great twist. This film stars Norman Reedus, Sean Patrick Flannery, Willem Defoe, and David Della Rocco. The director, Troy Duffy, has only directed two films, this and the sequel. It was not produced by a big studio. This film was not liked by critics but was liked by the public.
This was one of my favorite movies, so of course I will give it four stars out of four. Duffy uses a Tarantino style of violence. He does not shy away from gore, and it is also highly fantasized. He also does a good job of adding an unexpected twist that adds to the movies entertainment value. The camera work in this film is interesting. Numerous times, the camera spins 360 degrees. This adds a full effect to the viewer because it gives the feel that the viewer knows exactly what is happening everywhere in the area. Duffy by no means is as highly skilled of a director as Tarantino but his style is very similar.
One Scene that caught my eye was a scene where the twins are in air ducts climbing to reach their next target. the two fall but are caught by a rope. Spinning, the two take out every target. The colors here are one of the main references to Tarantino's style of violence. Everything in the room is white or cream to contrast the red of the blood. Once everyone is shot besides the boss, blood is pouring out of the dead bodies bright red. The twins get the boss on his knees and angle their guns so their bullets go out through his eyes. Once dead the red and black residue where his eyes once were is displayed on screen. All the men in this scene have on some sort of white shirt to help make the blood pop out even more.
Overall, the movies plot more than anything else is what drew me in. If you are looking for an artistic masterpiece, this is not what you are looking for. However, the story is great and the acting works well in creating a great story.
Two interesting films to close your reviews with. Nice work. I'm a big fan of A Bronx Tale, and I need to revisit Boondock Saints. I know people really like it, but I don't remember the movie having a strong impression on me, but it's been 10 years or so since I've seen it. Nice job.